Lose the fat around the…

If you live in the Atlanta area and are looking to lose fat and inches around the midsection, belly, hips, thighs, or any other body pat I can help.

Through bodyweight exercises, weight lifting , and some hard work I can help you get the body you want and have imagined.

Send you contact info to weightworkout@yahoo.ca to get the help you deserve.

Atlanta Personal Training For Fat Loss of the THIGHS, HIPS, and STOMACH

Nutrition tip of the Week

Mood Eating

Most people eat based on their mood and/or some subjective feelings of hunger. They don't eat based on what their bodies need. Think of it this way: you're about to take a long drive on a stretch of highway with no gas station. Do you fail to stop for gas before you hit the road because you're 'not in the mood?' Of course not. Think of eating in the same way. Eating fuels your metabolic engine. So it's time to start feeling like eating so that you can stop feeling like you're scrawny. by Dr. John Berardi

SEE ALSO: This tip is sponsored by Precision Nutrition - our pick for the best nutrition and supplement resource currently available. Containing system manuals, gourmet cookbook, digital audio/video library, online membership, and more, Precision Nutrition will teach you everything you need to know to get the body you want -- guaranteed.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

10 Best Ab Exercises

Great Ab Exercises that do not include crunches

Here are Men's Health expert Craig Ballantyne's 10 best ab exercises
that you can do without cables, ab crunches, or sit-ups.

1. Plank with your arms on the Ball (30% more effective than plain
ol' planks, according to Men's Health magazine)

2. Ball Rollouts (probably my favorite ball ab exercise)

3. Hanging Knee Raises (classic exercise that most folks do
wrong...but if done right, will work your abs safely and

4. DB Renegade Row (this is the biggest surprise on the list...but
it works your lower obliques incredibly hard)

5. Ball Jackknife (always a tough one for beginners to get the hang
of...but when they do, they get a lot of six pack ab benefits)

6. Ball Jackknife Rotation (a tougher version of the jackknife)

7. Ball Jackknife-Pushup Combo

8. X-Body Mountain Climber (one of my favorites...so simple yet so

9. X-Body Mountain Climber with Hands on Ball

10. X-Body Mountain Climber with Feet on Ball (an even more
effective version of the regular X-Body mountain climber)

All of those exercises are in the programs at:


Use only the best ab exercises to get more results,


5 Six Pack Ab Workout Myths

Contact me here

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Protein Supplement Review Report Card

Beyond The Basics

In This Bodybuilding Supplementation Article:
By The Muscle Nerd, Jeff Anderson

Find out if your protein supplement is:
  • primed to build you more muscle
  • or is it more likely to play you like a chump
Find out if your protein supplement:
  • get's an "A+" on the Muscle Nerd Report Card of supplements
  • or if it needs a tutor to make the grade
Find out:
  • the EXACT time of day it is best to take your protein supplements to gain more mass

We all know that to build muscle, you need protein, right?

And unless you're stuffing gifted enough to stuff down 10 cans of tuna a day, chances are you've figured out that supplementing with protein shakes is an easy way to get in some great quality protein to build muscle.

But WHICH protein should you be taking?

With so many options, it's hard for the "Average Joe" to see through all the marketing smoke and mirrors and determine the best choice that will fit into their diet and meet their mass-building goals.

Well, look no further...class is in session and the "Muscle Nerd" has the podium!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

In search of an Atlanta personal trainer?

If you are in search of an Atlanta personal trainer you may have a few questions and specifications in mind.

Take a quick look through the list to help you on your search for the Atlanta personal trainer that is for you.

Before you hire a personal trainer you should ask the following questions:

  1. What are their qualifications/certification
  • Just about any trainer in Atlanta is likely to have an impressive-looking diploma or certificate indicating that he or she is a personal trainer, do not be dazzled. Find out just what organization performed the certification you will soon find that some ar better than others, some are just weekend classes, so beware.

There are about 400 organizations in the U.S. that purport to certify personal fitness trainers. Of those 400 or so only a handful are considered legitimate. Certifications to consider come form the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), and the American Council on Exercise (ACE). The better organizations have specific requirements based on tested and practical knowledge, mandatory retesting at renewal periods, and continuing education. The ACSM has recently begun to require that its certified trainers have a formal educational degree in exercise science or a related field.

Be sure to read those acronyms closely. Some of the more dubious organizations select names that closely resemble the well-known and legitimate certifications.

Maybe the next most important consideration when selecting your personal trainer is whether you and your trainer are a good match. You and your trainer do not have to be the best of friends but do make sure it is someone you like.

It is a good idea to take your time in choosing a personal trainer. Make sure that you feel comfortable with him or her and that you're not afraid to ask questions. Because if there isn't a good rapport there, you're just not going to want to go back to the gym. Personal training should be a positive experience and possibly a lifetime habit. The personal trainer must fit your specific needs, goals, lifestyle, and limitations.

The American Council on Exercise, a certifying organization, suggests that by passing their certification a personal trainer will have a minimum level of proficiency and theoretical knowledge essential to screen and evaluate you, design a safe and effective exercise program, instruct you in the correct exercise techniques to avoid injury, and respond to the typical questions and problems that arise in a one-to-one setting.

Most certifications require continuing education credits which ensures that the personal trainer keeps current with the available body of knowledge.

Experience is an important aspect as well. Often experience and price go together, as experience increases you can expect the price to go up as well. Some will even say that experience is far more important than any certifications.

most important aspect in choosing a personal trainer
  • goals
You must determine what they want out of personal training, that way you will get the most out of your training.
  • For example, if the your goal is in improving sports performance, then a certified strength and conditioning specialist is the most appropriate person for the job.
  • If your goal is to compete in a bodybuilding contest, perhaps having a bodybuilder as a personal trainer will provide you with the best results.
  • If weight loss is your goal, find a personal trainer in Atlanta who also has a background in nutrition and weight loss. You may find that a weight loss boot camp may work for you as well.
You have to choose a personal trainer that can help you achieve your goal. Your personal trainer’s skills should match your needs. The first step there is to have a clear goal as to wht you want.

Where and how do you want to exercise?
In Atlanta there are a number of options as to locations:
  • at home
  • at a gym
  • outside biking or out on the tennis court
  • private studio
  • outdoor boot camp
  • train with a friend
  • a group exercise class
  • weight training
  • cardiovascular training
  • sports specific exercise
  • or a combination
Personal training sessions can cost as little as $30 an hour to over $150 an hour. Some trainers will offer packages and discounts. It is a good idea for you to develop a budget for personal training and try to find someone who meets all of their criteria within that budget.

Finding a qualified personal fitness trainer can be difficult. Some people base more credence on educational background, some want a trainer they can be friends with, and some will base their decisions on how much the trainer costs. Whatever the end result, the process should still be the same.You will need to have a clear-cut idea of your personal exercise goals and should interview trainers like any other job interview.

Guidelines for Choosing a Personal Trainer
  • Set your fitness/exercise goals before meeting with the trainer
  • Determine if certification, education, specialization, or experience is most important
  • Make a budget for personal training and know what your limit is
  • Decide where you want to exercise and how you want to exercise
  • Determine if you want to be alone or with a group
  • Interview the trainer to determine philosophy, personality, and flexibility
  • Rate the Trainer

To help the determine which Atlanta personal trainer is the best for you try this checklist. Rate each attribute on a scale of 1-4, with 4 being the best, and total each column. At a quick glance, this chart can give the client a comparison of trainers.

Trainer’s name:
Years of experience:

For more information you can contact
Grounded Personal Training and Sports Performance

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Welch Experience To Train Atlanta's Biggest Loser

Atlanta's biggest loser Mom's edition will soon be here. To local Atlanta trainers will go head to head to help his team lose the most weight and eventually crown one mother they have personally trainer Atlanta's biggest loser.

This year you will notice a slight twist with one of the trainer involves. Sule Welch of The Welch Experience is a martial arts instructor in many different disciplines. He has put together a fitness program, Martial Fitness which is aimed at helping people get stronger and lose weight. Martial arts is not what one typical thinks of when thinking of weight loss. His unique Martial fitness program will get the contestants into shape without getting them to do endless hours of work on a cardio machine. It should be a fun new experience for people to get out of the gym or away from boot camps to have fun, burn fat , and get great results.

Good luck to all the biggest losers moms.

Contact me here