Lose the fat around the…

If you live in the Atlanta area and are looking to lose fat and inches around the midsection, belly, hips, thighs, or any other body pat I can help.

Through bodyweight exercises, weight lifting , and some hard work I can help you get the body you want and have imagined.

Send you contact info to weightworkout@yahoo.ca to get the help you deserve.

Atlanta Personal Training For Fat Loss of the THIGHS, HIPS, and STOMACH

Nutrition tip of the Week

Mood Eating

Most people eat based on their mood and/or some subjective feelings of hunger. They don't eat based on what their bodies need. Think of it this way: you're about to take a long drive on a stretch of highway with no gas station. Do you fail to stop for gas before you hit the road because you're 'not in the mood?' Of course not. Think of eating in the same way. Eating fuels your metabolic engine. So it's time to start feeling like eating so that you can stop feeling like you're scrawny. by Dr. John Berardi

SEE ALSO: This tip is sponsored by Precision Nutrition - our pick for the best nutrition and supplement resource currently available. Containing system manuals, gourmet cookbook, digital audio/video library, online membership, and more, Precision Nutrition will teach you everything you need to know to get the body you want -- guaranteed.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Protein Supplement Review Report Card

Beyond The Basics

In This Bodybuilding Supplementation Article:
By The Muscle Nerd, Jeff Anderson

Find out if your protein supplement is:
  • primed to build you more muscle
  • or is it more likely to play you like a chump
Find out if your protein supplement:
  • get's an "A+" on the Muscle Nerd Report Card of supplements
  • or if it needs a tutor to make the grade
Find out:
  • the EXACT time of day it is best to take your protein supplements to gain more mass

We all know that to build muscle, you need protein, right?

And unless you're stuffing gifted enough to stuff down 10 cans of tuna a day, chances are you've figured out that supplementing with protein shakes is an easy way to get in some great quality protein to build muscle.

But WHICH protein should you be taking?

With so many options, it's hard for the "Average Joe" to see through all the marketing smoke and mirrors and determine the best choice that will fit into their diet and meet their mass-building goals.

Well, look no further...class is in session and the "Muscle Nerd" has the podium!

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