Wanted to let people know of the new websites that we will be moving to
If you live in the Atlanta, GA in the Buckhead Midtown area and are looking for a personal trainer take a look at the new site: Grounded Personal Training In Atlanta
Weight loss and workout training tips and articles will be moving to the: Grounded Personal Training Blog

Lose the fat around the…
If you live in the Atlanta area and are looking to lose fat and inches around the midsection, belly, hips, thighs, or any other body pat I can help.
Through bodyweight exercises, weight lifting , and some hard work I can help you get the body you want and have imagined.
Send you contact info to weightworkout@yahoo.ca to get the help you deserve.
Atlanta Personal Training For Fat Loss of the THIGHS, HIPS, and STOMACH
Nutrition tip of the Week
Most people eat based on their mood and/or some subjective feelings of hunger. They don't eat based on what their bodies need. Think of it this way: you're about to take a long drive on a stretch of highway with no gas station. Do you fail to stop for gas before you hit the road because you're 'not in the mood?' Of course not. Think of eating in the same way. Eating fuels your metabolic engine. So it's time to start feeling like eating so that you can stop feeling like you're scrawny. by Dr. John Berardi
SEE ALSO: This tip is sponsored by Precision Nutrition - our pick for the best nutrition and supplement resource currently available. Containing system manuals, gourmet cookbook, digital audio/video library, online membership, and more, Precision Nutrition will teach you everything you need to know to get the body you want -- guaranteed.Nutrition Tips of the Past Weeks
Monday, December 29, 2008
Grounded Personal Training and Sports Performance
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Labels: free personal trainer answers, Looking for a Personal Trainer, What can a personal trainer do for you
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Carving Definition Into Every Inch Of Your Back
Training and Looking for a Personal Trainer In Atlanta
With Full-Range Pulldowns
works WAY better for bringing out eye-popping detail in your back.
And if you've ever had a hard time feeling your back working, THIS
exercise will fix that in an instant!
For me, it's rare that I do pulldowns, hins or weighted chins hit the back for targeting growth much better. But when I DO perform pulldowns, THIS is one my very favorite versions of it.
Believe me, if you have a hard time feeling your back working when you train it, this is the cure...your lats will be BURNING by the end of the set...heck, after just a couple of reps!
This exercise is a combination of a pulldown movement and a rowing movement - the two BASIC planes of movement for the lats. The trick here is that you're going to go from one directly into the other without releasing the tension in your lats. It's VERY tough but VERY effective.
The good thing is, you don't need to be super-strong to perform this exercise - even a total beginner can do it. Just adjust the weight to what you're able to use.
Basically, all you need is a pulldown machine. I prefer a close, underhand grip but you can do wide-grip as well. Use a weight that's lighter than you think you'll need for this one - about 1/2 to 2/3 of what you'd normally use for pulldowns (trust me on this - don't be a hero).
- Start the movement like a normal pulldown.
- Pull the bar down to your upper chest.
- Now the CRITICAL part...holding the bar IN PLACE IN SPACE, lean a ll the way back. You'll now be in a vertical rowing position.
- Now row the bar all the way down as far as you can.
- You're hitting a peak contraction on the lats TWICE in this exercise. It's quite an experience!
- Now come back up, bringing your body up and the bar up at the same time. The way down is a two-part movement but the way up is all at once.
Now do it again!
Believe me, you will get a REAL burn in your lats by the end of the first set of this one. It's one of my favorites for carving definition into the back.
This exercise can be found in my book "The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of" - one of 53 unique and powerful exercises that will kick your butt out of any training plateau!
By: Nick Nilsson is Vice-President of the online personal training company BetterU, Inc. He has a degree in Physical Education and Psychology and has been inventing new training techniques for more than 17 years. Nick is the author of a number of bodybuilding eBooks including "Muscle Explosion! 28 Days To Maximum Mass", "Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss," "The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of," "Gluteus to the Maximus - Build a Bigger Butt NOW!" and "The Best Abdominal Exercises. He can be contacted at betteru@fitstep.com.
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Friday, November 14, 2008
The "Great" Nutrition Debates part 2
Contact me for private training In the Atlanta Area
The Top 6 Displacing Debates
Part 2
Article By:Dr John M Berardi, CSCS
This is part 2, for the rest of the article visit Part 1
4. T

Speaking of beverage consumption, people are dehydrated because they drink too little water while drinking too many caffeinated, diuretic drinks (coffee, soda, and alcohol). Dehydration leads to all sorts of health problems for the inactive, not to mention the decrements in athletic performance seen in dehydrated athletes.
But rather than simply promoting the heck out of water consumption, experts will bicker on and on about tap water vs. bottled water. Sure, good quality bottled water is usually a better choice, but don’t be one of these people who stay away from tap water, forget to pick up their bottled water, and simply remain dehydrated.
What to do? Drink sufficient water first; worry about the source later. (Of course, you may want to avoid drinking out of puddles next to pig farms in Uganda.) Put a water filter on your tap or buy one of those filter jugs you store in your fridge and be done with it.
5. Glass vs. Plastic
And how about the bottles the water comes in? That’s right, the glass vs. plastic debate. Just the other day, I was recommending that a group of my athletes pick up some Tupperware so they could whip up all of their meals and shakes in the morning. It’s easy to make a good food choice during the day when you’ve got all your good food with you, pre-cooked, pre-wrapped, and ready to be eaten.
After the talk, one of the athletes came up to me and told me he avoids Tupperware altogether because of the potential leeching of xenoestrogens into his food. When I asked what he uses to store his food in, he told me he doesn’t even preplan his meals. He also told me he needed to lose fifteen pounds and that he was overweight because his nutrition sucked!
Buddy, I agree that glass containers may be marginally better than plastic, but for the love of God, pick up some plastic if it'll help you plan your meals! And this was a world-class athlete! You can imagine how the average guy fares!
What to do? Plan your meals in advance, storing them in woven baskets if necessary. Buy the best containers you can afford. If you can get the glass versions, great; if not, the generic plastic ones will do just fine.
6 . Free Range vs. Extremely Limited Range Meat
Most weightlifters eat lots of protein and that’s no mistake. One of the best ways to get all that protein is by eating a lot of protein and micronutrient-rich lean meat. Protein supplements are okay to supplement your diet, but real food should be your nutritional mainstay and there’s nothing better than good ol’ fashioned lean meat.
Since eating more protein can increase metabolic rate, improve your weight loss profile, increase protein turnover, accelerate exercise adaptation, and (when replacing dietary carbohydrate) decrease the chance of cardiovascular disease, it should be clear that most people would do well to increase their consumption of lean meat.
So imagine the dismay someone might experience when hearing that the experts are now bickering about the type of meat we consume. Many experts muddy the waters when discussing free range vs. grain fed meat, telling people that grain fed meat (the only kind you can find in many grocery stores in North America) is full of toxins, bad fats, and hormones.
Sure, free-range meat is probably a better choice, although there’s little proof the supposed toxins and hormones actually get passed on to us. But again, imagine you’re someone with a lifetime of eating habits that are less than optimal and you’re exposed to all this bickering about lean protein. What do you do? Well, when you’re afraid of the meat you have access to, you shy away from all types of lean meat and reach for another bagel. Bad choice!
What to do? Find the best meat you can by going around to various grocery shops and butchers. Owners of health food stores may also be able to help you locate the best stuff. But don’t be afraid to eat the meat you find in your grocery store — the reports of your impending death are greatly exaggerated.
These are just a few of the displacing debates gaining momentum in the nutrition world. Do your best to get past the marginalia, to get past the differences between all the new programs, and try to discover for yourself the basic principles all the successful programs seem to be built upon. Most importantly, when faced with a choice between two good options, one of which may be marginally better than the other, but both of which would be an improvement over what you're currently doing, just pick one and go with it. You can optimize later, as long as you make an improvement now.
There's no debating that.
For more great training and nutrition wisdom, check out our complete system, Precision Nutrition. Containing system manuals, gourmet cookbook, digital audio/video library, online membership, and more, Precision Nutrition will teach you everything you need to know to get the body you want -- guaranteed.
And what's more, your online access allows you to talk exercise and nutrition 24/7 with thousands of fellow members and the Precision Nutrition coaches.
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Labels: fat burning, fat loss, nutrition, training articles, weight loss
Thursday, November 6, 2008
The "Great" Nutrition Debates Part 1
Contact me for private training In the Atlanta Area
Article By:Dr John M Berardi, CSCS
While displacement foods (unhealthy foods that fill us up, knocking healthy foods out of our diets) are probably at the root of many of our health and body composition crises, what I call "displacement debates" have also become a real problem in today’s information age.
For example, the average North American barely knows what a carbohydrate, protein, or fat is, yet when they hear well-respected experts at the ADA recommend high carb diets and the highly (though not universally) respected Atkins group recommend low carb diets, they get so confused and frustrated they ultimately do little or nothing proactive to improve their health.
This argument is an example of a displacing debate: an academic argument that pushes the more important problems out of the public discourse. For the average North American, following either the ADA recommendations or the Atkins recommendations would go a long way toward improving their health. But instead of suggesting that people just do something, these groups continue to bicker about who’s right at the expense of an ever-growing obesity rate.
Below I’ve presented six of the interesting displacing debates I’ve heard argued lately. Hopefully by discussing them I can put to rest the idea that these issues are of critical importance to your overall health and body composition. I’d like you to understand that these represent small, fine tuning details which are only relevant to a small percentage of the population, if that. On the whole, these debates do more to confuse and paralyze people than to encourage them to take their health into their own hands.
1. Fruit is Bad Now?
We all know fruit provides fiber, vitamins, minerals, and low glycemic index carbohydrates, so it should be no surprise that many experts recommend eating a few servings of fruit each day. Heck, this notion has even been turned into a clichéd rhyme:
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away!"
Yet some experts out there actually suggest that fruit might be bad for us! That’s utter nonsense. So, imagine you’re someone with a lifetime of eating habits that are less than optimal (for some of you, it might not be so hard to do) and you’re exposed to this debate. What do you do? Well, nine times out of ten, you figure that if there’s a chance fruit is bad for you, you might as well stay away from it — probably better to reach for a Big Mac instead. After all, it does taste better.
What to do? Eat the damn fruit – but, as with everything else, don’t overeat!
2. Raw? Organic?
Speaking again of fruits (and vegetables), it’s recommended that the average person consume two pieces of fruit and three servings of vegetables per day as a bare minimum. I recommend 10-15 servings per day. Yet most North Americans (athletes included) consume far less than the standard recommendation of five servings of fruits and vegetables.
However, rather than simply recommend more fruit and veggies (no matter how you can get them, for any fruits and vegetables are better than none), experts spend their time fighting about canned fruits and veggies vs. raw fruits and veggies. And then they fight about raw fruits and veggies vs. organic fruits and veggies! Sure, I agree that raw, organic fruits and vegetables are best since they probably have a higher micronutrient count, but let’s face the facts: any fruits and veggies are better than none!
So again, imagine you’re someone with a lifetime of bad eating habits and you’re exposed to all this bickering. What do you do? Well, you'll probably avoid the fruits and veggies, wait for the experts to finish dueling it out, and reach for a Snickers bar instead.
What to do? Get sufficient fruits and vegetables in your diet before worrying about whether they’re organic or not. Once you’ve done that, worry on.
3. Raw Milk vs. Regular Milk
What about milk? In my opinion, it’s not necessary, doesn’t always "do the body good," and should be minimized in the diet (although I see no need for total elimination unless you’re lactose intolerant).
However, if we could simply get more people to drink milk instead of sugary soda, we’d have less obesity and disease. But instead of focusing on healthy behaviors, experts will bicker on and on about regular milk vs. raw milk. Of course, all this does is serve to draw negative attention to milk and away from the other healthy decisions people could be making.
Sure, if it were possible to get raw milk that was guaranteed aseptic, it would be better than processed, pasteurized milk. But faced with the confusion, what do you, the hypothetical sub-optimal eater, do? Well, nine times out of ten, you avoid both kinds of milk and drink another Coca-Cola instead.
What to do? Limit milk, and drink calorie-free beverages like water and green tea instead.
Part 2 to come...SEE ALSO:
For more great training and nutrition wisdom, check out our complete system, Precision Nutrition. Containing system manuals, gourmet cookbook, digital audio/video library, online membership, and more, Precision Nutrition will teach you everything you need to know to get the body you want -- guaranteed.
And what's more, your online access allows you to talk exercise and nutrition 24/7 with thousands of fellow members and the Precision Nutrition coaches.
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Labels: fat loss, free personal trainer answers, nutrition
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Looking For Stronger Abs?
Get out your timer, in just 6 minutes you will have had an effective core workout. The following midsection strengthening workout is all done with bodyweight, and the best thing about this unique core workout is that it does not involve any crunches or sit ups. Often the first thing that comes to peoples mind when talking about core training and six pack abs is situp and crunches. As I mentioned this 6 minute rutine is short, effective, and does not involve situp or crunches. 6 minute abs ivolves a circuit of 6 exercises done in sequence. This is repeated again after a short rest, it is that simple and that fast. Give it a try.
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Labels: sample exercises, training articles
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Follow the Path of MOST Resistance!
Training and Looking for a Personal Fitness Coach In Atlanta
Why weight training is the fast track to sculpting your body.
The shape of your body is determined by three things: muscle, bone and fat. While there's really nothing you can do about changing your bone structure, there is a whole lot you can do about muscle and fat. This ratio of muscle to fat is commonly known as your body composition.
And what is the fastest way to change your body composition? Weight training. Why is it so effective? Because it builds muscle.
Muscle is the key to changing your body. While fat certainly gives your body shape, muscle is what gives you the shape you actually WANT!
One of the greatest things about muscle is that it burns calories all day long, even when you're lying on the couch. What this means is that the more muscle you have, the more calories you'll burn during the day and the more you'll be able to eat without gaining weight. Sound interesting? There's more.
Weight training stimulates your metabolism more than aerobic training such as cycling or walking. This means that you'll continue to burn calories long AFTER you've completed your weight training session. The calorie-burning effect of aerobic training generally declines rapidly once you stop the exercise.
Beginning trainers, who are just starting with exercise, are often under the impression that they should stay away from weight training because they might gain weight before they start losing it.
I like to use a car as an analogy. Imagine your body is a car, your muscles are the cylinders in the engine, and your bodyfat is the gas.
With a four-cylinder car, you only burn a minimum amount of gas/fat. Weight training and building more muscle is the equivalent of putting more cylinders into your engine. As you can imagine, you'll burn a whole lot more gas even while idling! And, just like a car with more cylinders, you'll be a lot more powerful too!
The bottom line to you is this...with more muscle, you'll get greater fat loss with less effort.
While it certainly is a possibility that you could gain weight before losing it, if you gauge your success solely by numbers on a scale then you're not getting an accurate picture of yourself. Measure your progress by how you feel, how you look and how well your clothes are fitting, not by which direction the needle on a measuring device is moving.
At the end of the day, I'm not suggesting for a moment that you should eliminate cardiovascular training from your exercise routine, but, if you are struggling to lose fat and keep it off, weight training may be just the thing you need to lose that fat and keep it off for good!
For more information on resistance exercises you can do at home, go to:
For more information on weight training exercises you can do at the gym, including optimized exercise technique, tricks for improving the exercise and common errors, go to:
Nick Nilsson is Vice-President of the online personal training company BetterU, Inc. He has a degree in Physical Education and Psychology and has been inventing new training techniques for more than 16 years. Nick is the author of a number of bodybuilding eBooks including "Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss," "The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of," "Gluteus to the Maximus - Build a Bigger Butt NOW!" and "The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of" all available at (http://www.fitness-ebooks.com). He can be contacted at betteru@fitstep.com.
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Labels: fat burning, fat loss, free personal trainer answers, training articles, weight loss
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Sample Workout
Looking for a Personal Fitness Coach In Atlanta
Full Body Workout
The variables are endless allowing a different workout each time and that progresses as you do. Just because you are traveling or do not have access to a gym there is no excuse not to get a great workout in. Have fun and burn some fat.
5 Bodyweight Rows
15 bodyweight squats
15 Pushups
50 jumping jacks
10 spiderman climbs
10 reverse lunges, per leg
25 bicycle crunches
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Labels: fat burning, fat loss, free personal trainer answers, sample exercises, training articles, weight loss
Saturday, September 27, 2008
What You Should Know About Tea
Indeed, as recent as two years ago, you could hardly find green tea in most grocery stories, convenience stores, or restaurants.

The fermentation of a tea determines its color. White tea is the least fermented form. Black tea is the most fermented form.
Interestingly, when the tea is fully dried, fermentation stops, and that's how tea leaves retain their color (white, green, black) once dried.
So how does a tea leaf go from its natural state to your tea cup? Well, the leaves undergo fermentation, and are then heated and dried. During this process, flavor enhancers such as herbs, spices, fruits and flowers can also be added.
Note: when the label describes the tea as “herbal tea,” it’s referring to a beverage that contains only fruits and/or herbs with no actual tea leaves. So don't get duped. Most "herbal teas" contain no actual tea.
Tea offers a host of health benefits, which will be outlined shortly. Many of the beneficial effects of tea are due to the flavonoids it contains.
Interestingly, milk has long been added to tea to neutralize tannins (which are the most bitter components of tea) and reduce their acidity - leading to a smoother taste.

JB's favorite is a mixture of loose green tea leaves and a bag of mint or pear flavored green tea.
Tea is commonly packaged in “tea bags” for convenience. Among tea experts, this tea is known as “dust,” due to its poor quality.

Tea Infuser B

Tea Infuser C

Tea Press

The shelf life of tea varies based on the degree of processing. Black tea has a longer shelf life than green tea. The shelf life of herbal tea is usually the shortest.
White tea: 140-165 degreesDon’t get stressed if you don’t feel like breaking out the thermometer every morning. Bring water just short of boiling. That will usually do the trick.
Green tea: 170-180 degrees
Oolong tea: 190-205 degrees
Black tea: Above 200 degrees
Note: The more fermented teas require higher water temperatures. When water temperatures are too low, the leaves can be devoid of oxygen and the taste can be bland and flat.
Case reports have been published indicating that a very high consumption of these extracts can induce liver damage. This has yet to be validated in well-controlled studies but it's worth thinking about.
Here's some additional info on this:
Now, let’s outline some of the benefits attributed to regular tea consumption.
Note: These benefits were outlined at the 2007 "Tea and Health" symposium, a conference in which tea researchers world-wide got together and provided some definitive answers on what tea does and what it doesn't do - at least, according to what we know today.We'll list these benefits by category...
Tea and body compositionTea RecipesTea and cardiovascular health
- Green tea increased 24-hour energy expenditure and fat oxidation
- 3-months of tea consumption decreased waist circumference by 4.5%
Tea and cancer
- Tea increased lipid oxidation
- Tea improved blood vessel function
- Those who consumed 3 or more cups of black tea per day had a reduced risk of heart disease and stroke
- Drinking 6 or more cups of black tea per day was associated with decreased serum cholesterol and triglycerides
- Those who drank a cup or more of black tea daily had a 44% reduction in the risk of heart attack compared to non-tea drinkers
- Those who consumed tea during the year prior to a heart attack were up to 44% more likely to survive following the cardiac event
- Japanese men and women who consumed just over 2 cups of green tea per day reduced their risk of death from cardiovascular disease by 22 - 33%
- 5 cups of black tea per day reduced LDL cholesterol by 11% and total cholesterol by 6.5% compared to placebo beverages
- Those who consumed 4 cups of tea per day had a 69% lower risk of atherosclerosis
- Tea restored blood vessel function in those with coronary artery disease
- Tea helped to prevent atherosclerosis
- Tea enhanced dilation of blood vessels
- Regular tea drinkers had a 65% reduced risk of developing high blood pressure
Tea and immune function
- Tea inhibited oxidative damage
- Tea decreased the growth of abnormal cells and inhibited uncontrolled cell growth
- Drinking tea combated free radical damage
- Tea boosted the immune system
- Tea helped prevent prostate cancer
- Those who drank tea had a reduced risk of skin cancer
- Tea assisted in the regression of oral cancer
- Tea drinkers had decreased ovarian cancer risk
Tea and oral health
- Tea boosted natural resistance to microbial infection
Tea and bone health
- Tea inhibited the plaque forming ability of oral bacteria
Tea and kidney stones
- Although caffeine intake has been suggested to be a risk factor for reduced bone mineral density, research indicated that drinking tea does not negatively affect bone mineral density
- Older women who drank tea had a higher bone mineral density than those who did not drink tea
Tea and neurological decline
- Those who drank tea had a lower risk of developing kidney stones
Tea and spouse selection
- Drinking tea resulted in a reduced risk of Parkinsons disease
- Those who drank 5 cups of green tea each day had a more attractive spouse (are you still paying attention to my article? This one has yet to be confirmed by research - but you never know).
Just like with other healthy meals and drinks, you've gotta be a little creative. To this end, here are a few recipes that can make including tea in your diet a delicious proposition:
Mint Chocolate Shake
1/2 cup strongly brewed green tea with mint
1 cup ice
2 scoops chocolate whey protein
1 cup low-fat plain yogurt
1 tbsp flaxseed oil or vanilla flavored fish oil
1 tbsp semi-sweet chocolate chips or cocoa nibs
Prepare green tea by steeping for 5 minutes or using tea press/infuser. Allow to cool.
Pour tea in the blender and add 1 cup of ice.
Add to the blender, protein, yogurt, oil, and chocolate.
Blend on high until mixture is smooth and creamy.
Nutrition Information:
Makes 1 large 593kcal shake (22fat, 36carb, 61 protein) or 2 small 296kcal shakes (11fat, 18carb, 30 protein).
Blueberry Oatmeal
1/2 cup strongly brewed green tea with berry flavor
1 cup of water
1/2 cup Old fashioned large flake oats
2 tbsp ground flax seeds
1 tbsp pure honey
1/4 cup low fat milk or soy milk
1 scoop vanilla protein
1/4 cup frozen berries
Prepare green tea by steeping for 5 minutes or using tea press/infuser. Allow to cool.
Pour tea and 1 cup water into a pot.
Bring pot to a boil on high heat and add the oats.
Reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer until liquid is absorbed (approx 7-10 mins).
Remove from heat and stir in flax and honey.
Combine milk and protein in a blender and pour over oatmeal.
Add frozen berries.
Nutrition Information:
Makes 1 large 472kcal serving (10fat, 60carb, 35 protein) or 2 small 236kcal servings (5fat, 30carb, 15 protein).
Note: for 120 delicious, physique-friendly recipes like these, pick up a copy of our new Gourmet Nutrition - The Cookbook for the Fit Food Lover.
Also note that if you purchase a copy of our highly acclaimed Gourmet Nutrition cookbook anytime between
today and the end of this month, 10% of the proceeds will go directly to the Healthy Food Bank.
Now you can eat delicious food yourself while helping feed
someone who's hungry.Final thoughts
Most benefits are seen with around 3 – 4 cups of green or black tea per day. So make sure you start there there.

In the research, regularly steeped tea was used in most trials. To this end, be careful with pre-bottled teas as they may have excessive amounts of added sweeteners and degraded beneficial compounds. Therefore they may not offer the same benefits as regularly stepped tea.
For more great training and nutrition wisdom, check out Precision Nutrition. Containing system manuals, Gourmet Nutrition, digital audio/video library, online membership, and more, Precision Nutrition will teach you everything you need to know to get the body you want -- guaranteed.
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Labels: free personal trainer answers, nutrition
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Great fat loss and nutrition recipe
This tip is sponsored by Precision Nutrition - our pick for the best nutrition and supplement resource currently available. Containing system manuals, gourmet cookbook, digital audio/video library, online membership, and more, Precision Nutrition will teach you everything you need to know to get the body you want -- guaranteed.
Pan-Seared Salmon with a Citrus Mint Sauce
There are limitless possibilities for cooking and flavoring salmon. Here is an out of the ordinary twist that combines citrus and mint to compliment that ever-gratifying crispiness of seared salmon. For this recipe, prepare the sauce first so that you can serve the salmon when it's hot and crisp. And don't forget to add a nice helping of veggies to this dish. Try some grilled asparagus for an extra special treat. Now on with the show . . .
Part 1: Citrus-Mint Sauce
2 tablespoons grapefruit juice squeezed from ½ fresh pink grapefruit
½ pink grapefruit, cut into sections for serving
2 tbsp fresh lime juice
1 medium shallot, minced (about 3 tbsp)
3 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
1 tbsp chopped fresh mint leaves
Salt & pepper, to taste
Dash of Splenda (equivalent to 1 tsp sugar)
Make sure to remove all of the membrane from the grapefruit sections. Combine the grapefruit juice, lime juice, shallot, and Splenda in a medium bowl. Mix well, and then gradually stir-in the olive oil, mint, and chives. Season to taste with salt and pepper and set aside while cooking the fish.
Part 2: Pan-Seared Salmon
Two 8-ounce salmon fillets, without skin
1 tbsp Smart Balance butter spread or coconut oil
Salt & fresh ground pepper, to taste
Pat the salmon fillet dry with a paper towel, and then season both sides of each fillet with salt and a generous amount of pepper.
Heat the butter or oil in a nonstick skillet over medium-high heat until shimmering but not smoking. Add fillets to the skillet and cook until edges are opaque and bottoms are golden brown, about 3 to 4 minutes for 1-inch thick fillets. Gently flip the fillets with a spatula and cook another 2 to 3 minutes, until it is firm yet tender and moist, and the flesh has become opaque with a slight translucence.
Before serving, whisk the citrus mint sauce to recombine, and drizzle it over the fish fillets. Serve immediately garnished with grapefruit sections.
Serves two.
Nutritional information
Per Serving | ||
Total Calories | 529 | k/cal |
Protein | 46 | g |
Total Carbohydrates | 12 | g |
Fiber | 0.13 | g |
Sugars | 8 | g |
Total Fat | 33 | g |
Saturated | 5.3 | g |
Monounsaturated | 16 | g |
Polyunsaturated | 9 | g |
Omega-3 | 4.2 | g |
Omega-6 | 3.2 | g |
Tip: When is salmon cooked just right?
Cooking your salmon until it's 'flaky', as commonly suggested, can result in overcooking. Here's how to cook it just right: use a paring knife to peek inside the middle of the fillet. If the flesh is translucent, it is undercooked. If it is opaque and slightly flaky but still juicy, it is ready to serve. It is overcooked when the flesh falls apart and looks dry.
Food Fact: Are all omega-3's created equal?
Plants provide a form of omega-3's called alpha-Linolenic acid (ALA). Flax seeds are one of the best sources of ALA. But it's becoming clear that some of the best health benefits come from docosahexaenoic acids (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), which are found in fatty marine fish, like salmon and mackerel. DHA is particularly beneficial, and contributes to better body composition, brain health, stress relief, and has even shown potential in preventing dementia. Granted, some ALA can be converted into EPA and DHA, but the conversion rate is low, particularly in men.
What's the lesson? Go ahead and eat your flax, but don't skip the fish!
Want more great tasting recipes designed to get you real results?
If you want to build the body you never thought you could have, start eating the meals you never thought you could eat! Get over 100 recipes and a no-nonsense nutrition plan that will show you how to make it work in the new ebook written by Dr. Berardi and Dr. Williams, Gourmet Nutrition.
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Tuesday, September 2, 2008
The 1000 Calorie Diet Tip
Training and Looking for a Personal Fitness Coach In Atlanta
If you eat at restaurants, it's easy to eat over 1500 or 2000 calories per meal.
one dinner...
Pre-dinner bread & butter -> 200 calories
Pre-dinner cocktail -> 150 calories
Appetizer -> This could be a 500-1500 calorie bomb on it's own!
Steak -> 300-500 calories
Potato -> 150-300 calories
Vegetable -> 100 calories
Dinner Drink -> 150 calories
Dessert - 300-750 calories
After Dinner Drink - 150
And that's only if you CONTROL yourself. If you go on a rampage,
you could be looking at 2500 or even 3000 calories in one sitting.
Those numbers are scary.
Fortunately, there are ways to avoid this dietary nightmare while
dining out. Here are 5 rules to cut 1000 calories from your
dining-out diet...
1) Plan ahead and avoid restaurants that offer huge portions.
2) Skip the bread. It won't stop you from eating your full meal
anyways, so just send it back.
3) No booze or liquid calories of any type.
4) No potatoes. Stick to your protein and your vegetables.
5) Reward yourself with only the tiniest bit of dessert, if at all.
It's all about taking responsibility for your choices. And yes,
choosing between the "Pain of discipline or pain of regret". What's
your choice?
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Labels: fat loss, weight loss
Friday, August 22, 2008
Dumbell Whip-Arounds
For Explosive Core Power
Play any sports? Want to improve your performance on the field or in the gym? This simple rotational
exercise will build TREMENDOUS explosiveness that will add yards to your golf drives,
speed to your throws, and build devastating punching power for combat sports.
So who DOESN'T want a stronger, more explosive core. Show of hands...
I've got a GREAT exercise for you for developing explosive rotational power in the core area. This is EXACTLY what you need for hitting a golf ball further, throwing faster and hitting harder - without rotational power, all you've got is the power in your limbs and that's NOTHING compared to the overall power you can generate with your core.
I call this exercise the "Dumbell Whip Around" because that's basically what you're going to do!
This is a challenging core rotational exercise - you're going to be swinging the dumbell around ALMOST like you're swinging a discus to throw.
The key is this...
You're going to use a lot of power and momentum on one side to get the weight moving but, instead of using muscle action on that same side to stop/slow the movement, you'll use the core muscles on your OTHER side to "catch it," then stop it, then whip the dumbell back around to the original start position for another go.
Sounds confusing, but you'll see what I mean. Basically, the reason this works so well for building explosive core power is that because the muscles that start the explosive movement don't have to work to SLOW the explosive movement, it teaches them to explode that much more effectively. There's no deceleration hesitation in the core and you can sling the dumbell around at MACH speed.
PLEASE NOTE: With this one, be VERY sure you don't go too heavy to start with - this is a rotational exercise and if you haven't done much rotational work, you could strain yourself. We don't want that! So start light and work your way up as you feel comfortable! But once you're ready, don't be afraid to use some weight! |
For this exercise, you'll need one dumbell. Pick it up in your right hand and hold it at your side. Your feet should be set apart a bit - you're going to be generating force through your legs up into the core - and they need to be apart for stability.
Swing the dumbell back and around behind your body like you're winding up. Keep your knees bent and midsection tight!
Now whip that dumbell around as explosively and as fast as you can! It's almost like throwing a discus (rotational and explosive movement) like you were trying to sling the dumbell as far away from you as possible. Hold on TIGHT, though, as not everybody has concrete walls in their gym like I do...
Now here's the trick - as you whip the dumbell around, "catch" the dumbell in your other hand and use your OTHER arm/side abs to slow the momentum.
The slowing of momentum should take the dumbell all the way around behind you in the other direction.
Now using BOTH hands, whip that dumbell back around the OTHER way to where you started from. Use a powerful push from the left hand and a powerful pull from the right hand (they'll work together on this whip around back to the start position).
Here's the key - the turnaround point. Don't hesitate AT ALL at the change of direction. When you stop the rotation one way IMMEDIATELY and explosively whip that dumbell back around. We're trying to put rotational torque on the core muscles (safely, of course) and that change of direction and momentum is the most important point.
So do your reps on one side (about 4 to 6 reps - explosive movements shouldn't be done for more than that or you start hitting the wrong fiber types and losing explosiveness), then switch hands and repeat on the other side...same movement, direction reversed.
Perform the same number of reps on this side as you did on the first side. I like to stick to just 2 or 3 sets of this one. Any more than that and your core will get too fatigued and it won't be "quality" work anymore, which is critical for an explosive rotational core exercise.
I HIGHLY recommend checking out the video for this exercise to see exactly how the whip-around is performed. It'll give you an idea of the power and speed you should be using when you do the exercise.
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Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Women, Weights are the Way to go
It’s a common misconception that most women carry around with them like excess baggage – that working out with weights is liable to give them bulging biceps and well-rounded thighs like those seen on professional body builders. Au contraire, there are various benefits that accrue to women when they start working with weights, some of which I’ve listed below:
Weight training helps build muscles, not the ones that are clearly visible on a body builder’s façade, but the ones that help boost your metabolism. The higher your metabolic rate, the faster you burn the calories you eat. If you’ve wondered how some people you know are able to eat all they want and not gain a single pound, the answer lies in their metabolism – they simply burn all they pack in, leaving nothing to be stored as fat on their bodies.
When you work with weights, you build your strength. Stronger bones and muscles allow you more stamina during the course of your daily routine and prevent the onset of osteoporosis and arthritis, diseases that women are more prone to than men when they hit menopause.
Your body looks so much better because of the toned muscles, a look that does not come with doing just aerobic exercises.
Weight training allows you to exercise specific parts of your body rather than just the whole as with cardio workouts; you can target those areas which are the biggest, like your thighs or abdomen and work on getting them into shape.
An exercise routine with just cardio workouts burns both fat and muscle, which means you end up slowing your metabolism, and one with only weight training does not make your fat deposits disappear. You need combine the both cardio and weights so that you get the best of both and keep your body looking fit and healthy.
Remember to drink lots of water and eat sensibly, a diet high in protein, complex carbohydrates and good fats, when you work out with weights. Don’t worry about looking like a muscular man, because unless you’re on testosterone supplements or anabolic steroids, there’s no way you’re going to get that body builder’s look.
This post was contributed by Heather Johnson, who writes on the subject of X-Ray Technician programs. She invites your feedback at heatherjohnson2323 at gmail dot com.
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Labels: training articles
Monday, August 4, 2008
Why Your Glutes Are Small, Flat and Shapeless…
Body position and posture has a HUGE impact on how you look. Get the inside scoop on how
something as simple as how you stand could be why your
glutes are small and flat (and your back hurts!).
If you're one of the MANY men and women who want larger, firmer, rounder glutes but haven't had much luck in building them, THIS is the article for you.
I know it's popular to say "it's not your fault" about almost anything these days...but in this case, it actually COULD be your fault...and you don't even know it!
You see, something as simple as your everyday posture could be responsible for the tough time you're having building up those glutes of your dreams.
Let's set genetics aside for a moment - while it's true that genetics CAN and DO play a big part in how your body develops, blaming a small, flat butt completely on genetics then just giving up is just not an option I'm going to let you get away with... :)
First, a little functional anatomy - we need to know and understand HOW the glutes work. Relax - nothing too technical here - just a little info so you'll be able to take these concepts and put them to work for you right NOW.
Everybody knows WHERE the glutes are, so I won't get into that. If you don't, you're sitting on them right now...heck, they're following you everywhere you go!
The glutes are among the biggest muscles in the body because their main function is movement (technically, it's to extend the hip backwards) and movement is VERY important. This backwards extension of the hip is what moves you forward with every step you take. It's what moves your body up when you take a step up on a stair. It's ALSO what helps keep your body upright and stabilized while standing.
So how can your posture and how you STAND possibly impact this big muscle and how it works and grows?
Well, I'll tell you!
First, you'll need to do an easy visual test on yourself in the mirror. This is going to help determine if your posture is causing your glutes to shrink up and not respond well to training.
Go to a long mirror and stand beside it so that your side is towards it (you're not facing it right now). Don't look in the mirror yet. Now stand like you're waiting for a bus or you're in line at the movies - "normally." Make sure you're standing on both feet with your weight evenly distributed (not on one foot or the other). Relax and don't try and do anything differently than you do in everyday life (if you try and fix yourself now, you'll mess up the test).
NOW keeping that exact same body position, turn JUST YOUR HEAD and look in the mirror. We're going to look at where your hips are in relation to where your shoulders are.
Ideally, you want your hips to be in a direct up-and-down line with your shoulders so you're standing up straight.
But what we'll often see (especially in the cases of those who have trouble building their glutes and feeling them working when training glute exercises) is that the hips are FORWARD of the shoulders and the butt is kind of "tucked" under the hips.
So instead of a vertical line like this: |
The body forms a forward angle kind of like this: <
When the hips shift forward like this, the glutes are taken almost completely out of the postural chain - they become relaxed and little work is required of them.
The immediate problem with THIS is that the glutes then get weaker and smaller. But the REAL problem (and the one that affects your glute-building) is the STRUCTURAL change that takes place in your body in the long term.
Over the course of YEARS of this "hips-forward" posture, your body will strengthen OTHER muscles and tendons to take over the loads and functions that the glutes were supposed to be in charge of. It can also lead to back pain and overstretching of the abdominals, which makes your stomach LOOK bigger than it actually is!
Don't have a mirror? Another good way to test yourself on this without a mirror is this: stand up right where you are and stand up straight with posture like you're a soldier standing guard. If this feels EXTREMELY weird to you and it's an effort to hold that position for more than a few moments, chances are your body has undergone the structural changes I talked about. |
The thighs will tend to take over the movement to compensate for the reduction in glute function. The body, quite simply, isn't USED to using the glutes anymore and has a hard time activating them.
This means even when you do direct exercises to work the glutes, your body is unable to properly USE the glutes to perform the exercises!
And when you walk, instead of using the glutes to actively PUSH yourself forward with each step, you'll have a short stride and a more "shuffling" gait (this happens because your leg isn't coming back far enough behind you).
You're using your hip flexors (the muscles on the front of your hips) to bring your leg forward with each step but you're using GRAVITY and momentum (in a way, you're almost falling forward with each step) to keep moving, NOT pushing with your glutes!
Well, the first BIG step is to be mindful of your posture and how you stand. It's going to be strange at first - you're going to forget yourself and have to constantly be your own "posture police" to keep yourself straight and upright. You might have even to recruit friends and family members to "keep you honest" and remind you when your hips start drifting forward.
We're basically going to be looking to reverse YEARS of "glute-reducing" posture here, so it's something that will take time. The upside is, you will most likely start feeling more confident and looking better almost immediately when you make the effort to stand up straight!
The extra work your glutes are going to get simply by doing what they're supposed to should start helping you increase glute size and firmness rapidly as well.
Abdominal exercises can also help here, by tightening up abs that have gotten overstretched from this "hips-forward" posture. Keeping your abs tight and "in" will help you keep your hips back and in the right position.
Finally, when you're walking, you should focus on actively PUSHING yourself forward with the glutes with each step you take. You'll end up taking longer strides and getting places sooner, which is not a bad thing either.
Bottom line (no pun intended!), we have to RETRAIN your body to use the glutes properly. Now I know it's not a quick fix but it IS an effective fix and can be done with relatively little effort.
Because once your body starts learning how to use the glutes again, you'll have a MUCH easier time developing the glutes that you're looking for!
Changing how you stand won't give you a bigger butt overnight but it WILL set the stage so that the work you ARE doing to improve your glutes will be more effective!
In Atlanta area and Looking for Fitness Results?
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Labels: free personal trainer answers, training articles, What can a personal trainer do for you
Friday, July 25, 2008
Abdominal Exercises - Not Just another Crunch
In Atlanta area and Looking for Fitness Results?
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Labels: abdominal core exercises, sample exercises
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Foam Roll - Give it a Try
Foam Rolling can Help Ease Your Muscles
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