Indeed, as recent as two years ago, you could hardly find green tea in most grocery stories, convenience stores, or restaurants.

The fermentation of a tea determines its color. White tea is the least fermented form. Black tea is the most fermented form.
Interestingly, when the tea is fully dried, fermentation stops, and that's how tea leaves retain their color (white, green, black) once dried.
So how does a tea leaf go from its natural state to your tea cup? Well, the leaves undergo fermentation, and are then heated and dried. During this process, flavor enhancers such as herbs, spices, fruits and flowers can also be added.
Note: when the label describes the tea as “herbal tea,” it’s referring to a beverage that contains only fruits and/or herbs with no actual tea leaves. So don't get duped. Most "herbal teas" contain no actual tea.
Tea offers a host of health benefits, which will be outlined shortly. Many of the beneficial effects of tea are due to the flavonoids it contains.
Interestingly, milk has long been added to tea to neutralize tannins (which are the most bitter components of tea) and reduce their acidity - leading to a smoother taste.

JB's favorite is a mixture of loose green tea leaves and a bag of mint or pear flavored green tea.
Tea is commonly packaged in “tea bags” for convenience. Among tea experts, this tea is known as “dust,” due to its poor quality.

Tea Infuser B

Tea Infuser C

Tea Press

The shelf life of tea varies based on the degree of processing. Black tea has a longer shelf life than green tea. The shelf life of herbal tea is usually the shortest.
White tea: 140-165 degreesDon’t get stressed if you don’t feel like breaking out the thermometer every morning. Bring water just short of boiling. That will usually do the trick.
Green tea: 170-180 degrees
Oolong tea: 190-205 degrees
Black tea: Above 200 degrees
Note: The more fermented teas require higher water temperatures. When water temperatures are too low, the leaves can be devoid of oxygen and the taste can be bland and flat.
Case reports have been published indicating that a very high consumption of these extracts can induce liver damage. This has yet to be validated in well-controlled studies but it's worth thinking about.
Here's some additional info on this:
Now, let’s outline some of the benefits attributed to regular tea consumption.
Note: These benefits were outlined at the 2007 "Tea and Health" symposium, a conference in which tea researchers world-wide got together and provided some definitive answers on what tea does and what it doesn't do - at least, according to what we know today.We'll list these benefits by category...
Tea and body compositionTea RecipesTea and cardiovascular health
- Green tea increased 24-hour energy expenditure and fat oxidation
- 3-months of tea consumption decreased waist circumference by 4.5%
Tea and cancer
- Tea increased lipid oxidation
- Tea improved blood vessel function
- Those who consumed 3 or more cups of black tea per day had a reduced risk of heart disease and stroke
- Drinking 6 or more cups of black tea per day was associated with decreased serum cholesterol and triglycerides
- Those who drank a cup or more of black tea daily had a 44% reduction in the risk of heart attack compared to non-tea drinkers
- Those who consumed tea during the year prior to a heart attack were up to 44% more likely to survive following the cardiac event
- Japanese men and women who consumed just over 2 cups of green tea per day reduced their risk of death from cardiovascular disease by 22 - 33%
- 5 cups of black tea per day reduced LDL cholesterol by 11% and total cholesterol by 6.5% compared to placebo beverages
- Those who consumed 4 cups of tea per day had a 69% lower risk of atherosclerosis
- Tea restored blood vessel function in those with coronary artery disease
- Tea helped to prevent atherosclerosis
- Tea enhanced dilation of blood vessels
- Regular tea drinkers had a 65% reduced risk of developing high blood pressure
Tea and immune function
- Tea inhibited oxidative damage
- Tea decreased the growth of abnormal cells and inhibited uncontrolled cell growth
- Drinking tea combated free radical damage
- Tea boosted the immune system
- Tea helped prevent prostate cancer
- Those who drank tea had a reduced risk of skin cancer
- Tea assisted in the regression of oral cancer
- Tea drinkers had decreased ovarian cancer risk
Tea and oral health
- Tea boosted natural resistance to microbial infection
Tea and bone health
- Tea inhibited the plaque forming ability of oral bacteria
Tea and kidney stones
- Although caffeine intake has been suggested to be a risk factor for reduced bone mineral density, research indicated that drinking tea does not negatively affect bone mineral density
- Older women who drank tea had a higher bone mineral density than those who did not drink tea
Tea and neurological decline
- Those who drank tea had a lower risk of developing kidney stones
Tea and spouse selection
- Drinking tea resulted in a reduced risk of Parkinsons disease
- Those who drank 5 cups of green tea each day had a more attractive spouse (are you still paying attention to my article? This one has yet to be confirmed by research - but you never know).
Just like with other healthy meals and drinks, you've gotta be a little creative. To this end, here are a few recipes that can make including tea in your diet a delicious proposition:
Mint Chocolate Shake
1/2 cup strongly brewed green tea with mint
1 cup ice
2 scoops chocolate whey protein
1 cup low-fat plain yogurt
1 tbsp flaxseed oil or vanilla flavored fish oil
1 tbsp semi-sweet chocolate chips or cocoa nibs
Prepare green tea by steeping for 5 minutes or using tea press/infuser. Allow to cool.
Pour tea in the blender and add 1 cup of ice.
Add to the blender, protein, yogurt, oil, and chocolate.
Blend on high until mixture is smooth and creamy.
Nutrition Information:
Makes 1 large 593kcal shake (22fat, 36carb, 61 protein) or 2 small 296kcal shakes (11fat, 18carb, 30 protein).
Blueberry Oatmeal
1/2 cup strongly brewed green tea with berry flavor
1 cup of water
1/2 cup Old fashioned large flake oats
2 tbsp ground flax seeds
1 tbsp pure honey
1/4 cup low fat milk or soy milk
1 scoop vanilla protein
1/4 cup frozen berries
Prepare green tea by steeping for 5 minutes or using tea press/infuser. Allow to cool.
Pour tea and 1 cup water into a pot.
Bring pot to a boil on high heat and add the oats.
Reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer until liquid is absorbed (approx 7-10 mins).
Remove from heat and stir in flax and honey.
Combine milk and protein in a blender and pour over oatmeal.
Add frozen berries.
Nutrition Information:
Makes 1 large 472kcal serving (10fat, 60carb, 35 protein) or 2 small 236kcal servings (5fat, 30carb, 15 protein).
Note: for 120 delicious, physique-friendly recipes like these, pick up a copy of our new Gourmet Nutrition - The Cookbook for the Fit Food Lover.
Also note that if you purchase a copy of our highly acclaimed Gourmet Nutrition cookbook anytime between
today and the end of this month, 10% of the proceeds will go directly to the Healthy Food Bank.
Now you can eat delicious food yourself while helping feed
someone who's hungry.Final thoughts
Most benefits are seen with around 3 – 4 cups of green or black tea per day. So make sure you start there there.

In the research, regularly steeped tea was used in most trials. To this end, be careful with pre-bottled teas as they may have excessive amounts of added sweeteners and degraded beneficial compounds. Therefore they may not offer the same benefits as regularly stepped tea.
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