The deadlift is one of the best exercises you can do. It is great at transforming your body. But only if you do it right. Discover the proper Deadlift Form. Discover How To Deadlift and change the way your body looks.
This one exercise uses all most every muscle in your body. If you are looking for a quick and effective workout. The deadlift has to be included.

Lose the fat around the…
If you live in the Atlanta area and are looking to lose fat and inches around the midsection, belly, hips, thighs, or any other body pat I can help.
Through bodyweight exercises, weight lifting , and some hard work I can help you get the body you want and have imagined.
Send you contact info to to get the help you deserve.
Atlanta Personal Training For Fat Loss of the THIGHS, HIPS, and STOMACH
Nutrition tip of the Week
Most people eat based on their mood and/or some subjective feelings of hunger. They don't eat based on what their bodies need. Think of it this way: you're about to take a long drive on a stretch of highway with no gas station. Do you fail to stop for gas before you hit the road because you're 'not in the mood?' Of course not. Think of eating in the same way. Eating fuels your metabolic engine. So it's time to start feeling like eating so that you can stop feeling like you're scrawny. by Dr. John Berardi
SEE ALSO: This tip is sponsored by Precision Nutrition - our pick for the best nutrition and supplement resource currently available. Containing system manuals, gourmet cookbook, digital audio/video library, online membership, and more, Precision Nutrition will teach you everything you need to know to get the body you want -- guaranteed.Nutrition Tips of the Past Weeks
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Deadlift Form Discover How To Do The Deadlift
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Thursday, October 6, 2011
3 reasons you can’t get rid of belly fat
Ever wonder why you haven't been able to burn belly flab in the past NO MATTER what you've tried?
I’ve got a special guest article below from my buddy and Nutritionist “Coach Josh” that will reveal these flat-belly roadblocks.
The 3 Reason You Can’t Kill Belly Flab
Doctors agree that internal belly flab is the most deadly kind of body fat there is. Studies show it dramatically increases the chance of illness such as heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers, Alzheimer’s, stroke, and even depression (suicide).
And if that wasn’t bad enough, that dreaded belly bulge makes us look unattractive and it can demolish our self-esteem and confidence to boot.
But, what makes this situation even more frustrating is the fact that belly flab is considered by many to be the most stubborn and impossible weight to penetrate and burn. It’s like the “Fort Knox” of body fat. Here’s why:
PROBLEM #1: Your Hormones Are Out of Whack: Chronic stress causes your body to release a fat-storing hormone called cortisol. The more cortisol your body releases, the more belly flab you store. Plus, eating the wrong foods causes the fat-storing hormone insulin to skyrocket, while a fat-burning hormone called glucagon gets turned off. (Hello, belly flab!)
PROBLEM #2: Your Belly-Burning Furnace Is Busted: When you want to lose a lot of weight, you should cut calories for long periods of time, right?
Cutting calories magnifies nutrient deficiencies in your body. This results in severe cravings as your brain sends emergency “low nutrient signals” to your stomach to eat more food.
Problem is, most people end up eating more “nutrient-dead food” which causes cravings to completely spiral out of control. (If you feel hungry all the time, now you know why.)
After about a week of dieting, your body is genetically programmed to fight back by lowering the hormones responsible for keeping your metabolism humming along (like the calorie-burning thyroid hormones). At the same time, it will increase the “hunger hormone” leptin. (Double whammy.)
As a result, your weight loss will come to a screeching halt, lickity split.
At this point, to keep burning fat you’ll be forced to reduce your calories even lower, and/or do MORE exercise. (Not fun… I’ve been there.)
PROBLEM #3: Your Food Is Laced with Obesity Additives: GIANT food manufacturers make BIG bucks creating “Frankenstein foods” that are stripped of belly-burning nutrients and stuffed full of dirt-cheap, artificial preservatives that make your belly bulge.
I call these chemicals Obesity Additives and studies show:
They cause a mineral imbalance that results in bloating and excess water weight.
They addict us by altering brain chemicals called neurotransmitters – just like the street drugs cocaine, morphine and nicotine do!
They cause pounds of “toxic waste” to accumulate in our digestive tracks. (Believe me, that belly bulge or “pooch” is not all belly flab.)
Those are the 3 BIG obstacles keeping you from EVER getting a flat belly. But don’t worry: there are 3 SNEAKY TRICKS you can use to quickly overcome these MAMMOTH problems.
Here is the first one
15 Foods that Kill Belly Fat Fast < ====== CLICK HERE
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Labels: fat burning, fat loss, weight loss
Saturday, October 30, 2010
How to Increase Intensity of Your Workouts
If you are looking for ways to increase the intensity of your workout this is the way to do it.
Craig lays out 5 easy to implement tricks that are sure to boost the intensity of any workout.
But these tips into place and you will be a fat burning machine and transforming you body quicker then ever.
5 Workout Tips To Increase Intensity
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Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Who Else Wants a More Firm Butt & Lean Legs
Want to know the best exercises to firm up your butt?
Want the best interval training programs to burn fat from your legs?
Thanks to Women's Health magazine contributor, Craig Ballantyne and my friend I have just the perfect program for you.
Oh by the way my friend Craig =, you my have seen him in Shape magazine, Prevention, and Muscle n Fitness Hers. He does women's workouts in all those magazines.
In 04 Craig created a program called "Booty for Life" for apersonal training client. And while that program was awesome, he spent an entire week last month improving the workouts AND adding a brand new 4-week fat burning, butt-firming phase to the program...
...and he renamed it, "Booty for Wife (and all the single ladies!)".
Why did he rename and redo the program?
Well, the original name was bit of a joke, and it was a little too close to "Body for Life", and Craig didn't want anyone (i.e. Bill Phillips) to get upset when his Booty program got really popular.
So he made a simple little name change...
now he just has to hope that Beyonce doesn't sue him!
But seriously, and more importantly, Craig updated the original program and added 3 new workouts and some booty-building exercises to the plan, including:
- Lateral lunges
- 1-leg bodyweight deadlifts
- dumbbell lunges
- kettlebell swings
- dumbbell deep step-ups
- 1-leg bodyweight bench squats
Those go with all of the other booty exercises in the program, including split squats, 1-leg hip extensions, regular step-ups, and reverse lunges.
And Craig subbed in more bodyweight exercises so you don't need to use dumbbells as much for the rest of the workouts. Some of the new exercises you'll get are:
- Stability Ball Cross-Body Mountain Climber (great for abs/obliques)
- Close-Grip 3/4 Rep Pushups (awesome for sculpting your triceps)
- Stability Ball Pike (for hard-core abs)
Plus, you'll get SIX different fat burning interval training
programs, and interval training has been shown to reduce thigh fat
in research studies.
Whew. There's a lot in there for you, and to celebrate the re-release of Booty for Wife, I've asked Craig to put together an amazing special offer just for you.
You'll get all of these for free...
1) The TT Booty for Wife (all the single ladies) 12-Week Program
2) The TT Female Bodysculpting 4-Week Workout
3) 30-Days in the TT Member's Website & Forum
4) The TT for Hot Chicks 4-Week Workout
5) The NEW "TT Bodyweight Cardio 3" Workout
...when you get your half-price copy of the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss Program for only $19.95.
(That's $10 less than if you were to buy Booty for Wife on its own!)
So you could get Booty for Wife for $29.95 or you could get Booty for Wife plus Turbulence Training plus all of those other bonuses all for only $19.95.
I think that's an easy choice, don't you?
Click here to get this amazing special offer today:
Firm But and Sexy Legs Program
Plenty of time to sculpt that booty before you hit the beach on your next holiday.
By the way, just listen to this incredible feedback on the program:
"I just finished section 2 of the Booty for Wife series. I feel
strong and super fit and I've gotten so many compliments lately
that I know it has to be the program! I start the 3rd section
tomorrow and it looks tough and I can't wait. I know that in 4
weeks I'm going to be amazed at myself. And, I am so looking
forward to doing the chin ups. I hoping I can do at least one to
start and by 4 weeks I want to be doing 5 or more. This is a really
great 3 month program and if you haven't tried it you really
- Debbie D., TT Member
If you are in Atlanta and looking for private training feel free to Contact me here
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Labels: fat burning, sample exercises
Monday, July 12, 2010
11 Ways Those in Atlanta Can Stay Motivated, Lose Weight and Reach Your Fitness Goals
Hello Atlanta!
It's Jason, your Atlanta Personal Trainer and Fitness Expert with what may be the most important post I have ever or will ever put out.
My buddy and fellow personal trainer, not in Atlanta, Craig of TT in Toronto passed this article along that he put together.
Be sure to give it a good read it will change your body transformation results.
my top 11 inspirational tips to help motivate you to stick to your fat loss plan and transform your body and life forever.
11. Never Give Up
If you fall off the wagon, cut your losses. Don't let it weigh on your mind and hold you back because it's only minor damage that can be dealt with. The important thing is to get back on track, immediately. Never, ever, EVER give up. I believe in you.
10. Don't Procrastinate
Do it now. Whether you're thinking of cleaning out the pantry or finally starting to exercise, STOP procrastinating and DO IT now!
9. Identify Exactly What It Is You Want...
...then don't let anything stand in your way of getting it. By setting specific goals along with deadlines you are providing yourself with a measuring stick.
8. Do Your Best With Everything You Have Control Over
Most people fail to control themselves, and end up only with regrets. We trade minutes of pleasure (i.e. fast food) for days, weeks, months, and years of regret.
Remember that the pleasure of eating lasts for only minutes, but you inhabit your body 24 hours per day, 7 days per week for life.
Rather than trying to "out-cardio" your bad diet, you must PLAN ahead to overcome obstacles. Otherwise, you'll never succeed.
7. Replace Bad Habits
Everyday you will be tempted to fall back on old bad habits. To make a lasting change in your health and appearance you must do everything you can to resist that. Try adding a new healthy habit each day to replace an old unhealthy habit.
6. Be Consistent With Baby Steps
The best approach is to build your life one positive step at a time and the way to do this is by taking baby steps to improvement each and every single day. Be a little better than yesterday.
5. Test
There are no failures, only good and bad tests.
You should always be trying something new, monitoring your body's response, and deciding whether or not that food or exercise belongs in your "tool box". Do everything you can to learn more about your body. The more you know, the faster your success will be.
4. Social Support and Role Modeling
You can't soar with eagles if you're hanging around turkeys.
By hanging around others who want to lose weight, you can leverage their knowledge, commitment, support, and success to push yourself harder than you otherwise would be able to.
3. Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone
People will do almost anything to stay in their comfort zones.
If you want to accomplish anything, get out of your comfort zone and strive to increase order and discipline in your life.
Discipline means doing the opposite of what you feel like doing. Setting goals and deadlines are the easy roads to discipline.
2. Plan
Planning is the ultimate key to fat loss success.
With a weekly plan of meals and workouts in place, you will be much less likely to hit a road bump that takes you down the wrong path. Try setting aside one day a week to map out your weekly itinerary
and you'll be amazed at how quickly your body transforms itself.
1. Realize YOU Are In Charge of Your Success
Og Mandino once said, "I shall shape my future. Whether I fail or succeed shall be no man's doing but my own. I am the force; I can clear any obstacle before me. Or I can be lost in the maze. My choice. My responsibility. Win or lose; only I hold the key to my destiny."
Translation - Everyone can succeed and reach their goals. It's a just a matter of how badly you want it.
I know you want it. And I know you can do it. And I'm really looking forward to your success.
Atlanta Personal Trainer Jason, CSCS
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Labels: free personal trainer answers, Motivation, What can a personal trainer do for you
Saturday, July 10, 2010
A Flat Stomach And Situps - Is This the Best Approach
Working out takes lots of time and effort, especially if you're trying to lose fat and get lean. I think everyone wants a six pack or at least a nice flat stomach, so they spend endless hours in the gym working out to achieve these goals.
But are you going about it the wrong way...
- are you spending half your workout doing core exercises in effort to lose belly fat.
- have you been doing situps and crunches but are not seeing a great set of abs
Core work is essential to a strong, healthy, and fit you. But will all this work result in a flat stomach you can be proud of and want. To find out be sure to...
click the link below
click here --- Belly Fat and Core Work
Contact me here
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Labels: abdominal core exercises, fat burning, fat loss